Lauren Davis
Lauren Davis
Lauren Davis graduated from Dordt College in 2015 with a Bachelor’s degree in Theology: Youth Ministry along with a minor in Christianity and Popular Culture. She continued her education at Sioux Falls Seminary in South Dakota, and became a certified spiritual director with a Master’s degree in Christian Leadership. Since earning her degree in 2018, she has been practicing a rhythm of spiritual formation through volunteering as a house guide and writer for Retreat House, and working full time as a barista.
She also serves in youth ministry with a passion for cultivating spiritual growth in younger generations. She also spends time with a spiritual director to continually be formed in her relationship with God, and to grow in knowledge of direction for others. She hopes to expand a ministry of spiritual direction by offering a safe space for individuals to be their authentic selves in the presence of God. She looks forward meeting with you.
In person and virtual sessions are available. You can reach Lauren here.