Rev. Diane Pennington
Rev. Diane Pennington
Trained Spiritual Director
Diane Pennington (CSD) is a Certified Spiritual Director, specializing in grief work. Her BA degree in counseling psychology focused on working with special populations. Diane graduated from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in the spring of 2021 and was ordained as an interfaith and inter-spiritual minister. Her intention is to better be able to sit with and companion people of multiple faith traditions. She has also studied the broad spectrum around sexuality including identity, preference and sexual wounding. She continues to learn in the areas of healing from trauma as well as end of life transitions.
Her personal ministry has been serving through Faith & Grief Ministries as a grief workshop facilitator for the past several years. She has formerly served as an ordained elder and deacon and is a member of Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church in Richardson.
Diane’s spiritual direction practice has grown to include people of differing faith traditions, following various paths of inquiry. Her desire is to create a welcoming space for people to ask their questions around spirituality with encouragement to embrace all areas and expressions of curiosity and struggle.
She is affirming of all couples who wish to make a commitment and is available as Officiant for weddings, baby blessings and memorial services.
Diane currently works as a Development Officer for Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services in North Texas and Louisiana
“Grief and gratitude are kindred souls, each pointing to the beauty of what is transient, and given to us by grace.”
~Patricia Campbell Carlson
To contact Diane, email her here.