Tiny purple flowers along the Camino: Each one calling for conversation

Tiny purple flowers

Many along the Camino way

Easy to miss but there were so many

Each one calling for conversation

At one

I stop and look

She had broken through the ground

Breaking free of Earth into sky

In that moment she wants to talk to me

So I stop for a spell and listen

All she could say was Presence

Breath Presence

I look at her petals

Her leaves

And wonder how such fragileness had broken through hard ground

What tenacity

I don’t, can’t linger for long

I turn and walk on down the Camino

Many miles to go in my own fragileness


Breathing Presence

This poem was written by Clay Brantley during his pilgrimage on the Camino. Learn more about his experience in Retreat House podcast episode 21: Rediscovering the Wild Christ with Rev. Dr. Clay Brantely on the Camino de Santiago.


What wild means to me


What is sacred travel?